Hilarious tomstones inscriptions!! - Funny quotes and humor 01

There is no family on earth that does not have a death in their home. A man's final destination is grave where he takes an eternal sleep, free from day-to-day problems of debts, nagging wife, stressful retirement life with health problems, etc. In the final stage, when the curtain is down on our loved one, he is laid to rest in a cemetery. When the grave is finally closed, a tombstone or grave marker identifying his or her  grave is fixed there. An epitaph is written  to communicate to the world about the personality of our loved one. 

When you come across the tombstone epitaphs and the messages they carry, you will realize  they bring out the inherent  personality traits or accomplishments of that person in his past  life. Some tombstones may reveal the reason for his death. Writing epitaphs is a way of expressing our debt of gratitude and  respect to the poor departed soul. Bereaved family members, in their hour of sorrow and pain, normally will prefer  a biblical verse as an epitaph  because it may exhibit some virtuous quality that was a characteristic of the decedent's life. There are different kinds of epitaphs, suitable to the families and to the person in the grave. Among them the hilarious ones draw our attention, as they point out the jovial nature of the person in his earthly life. Below are found some funny epitaphs that may tickle you to the bone. 

"Beneath the stone.
the lump of clay,
lies uncle Peter Daniels,
Who too early in the month of May
took off his winter flannel".

......Midway Massachusetts

"Here lies
Leater Moore
Four slugs
from a .44,
no less,
no more".

......Tombstone, Arizona

"Ruth S. Kibbe, wife
of AlvingJ.Stanton 
May 5 1904
The Lord don't make any mistake".

.....South Plymouth, New York
"Beneath this stone, a lump of clay
Lies Arabella Young
Who on the 21 of May
Began to hold her tongue".

.....Hatfield, Massachusetts 

 "Playing five aces.
Now playing the harp".

Dodge City, Kansas
"Here lies the body of Anna
Done to death by a banana,
It wasn't the fruit that laid her  low
But the skin of the thing that 
made her go".
..... Enosburg, Vermont
Ref: 'Last Writes' by Gyles Brandreth, Reader's Digest; 1995 Diary.