New Year 2018 resolutions to improve our life style

Happy New Year 2018 Wishes
A New Year's resolution has been a tradition being followed in the western culture for centuries and only in the last few decades it has made inroads into the Eastern culture. What does a New Year's resolution mean? Do people stick to the resolution taken by them?
 A New  year's resolution  is the first step taken in the right direction by a person to get rid of his undesirable habits, traits, behavior, and most importantly negative approach, etc cultivated over a period of time. These may form a road block for his progress in life. The very start of new year gives a person to get rid of them with assertive mind in order to make progress in his life and  to reach the personal goal or ambition.  It clearly shows a person's keen desire to improve his life style and self-esteem, the moot question is when to start putting them into practice. Unfortunately in the case of many people, they break the New Year's resolution  mid way when  their assertion shows lack of motivation. The most frequently heard reason for participants' failure to accomplish  their New Year's resolutions was their setting themselves impractical and absurd goals. The other reasons are lack of interest to monitor their progress and the tendency to forget the new resolutions taken by them.

Taking a new year's resolution is a way of motivating our mind on the eve of the  new year day, so that we can begin the ensuing year afresh displaying a new wholesome persona.  In some Christian denominations, regardless of creed, the concept of new year's  resolution gives emphasis more on sacrifice than on responsibility. In the case of Methodists, it focuses on annual self improvement. In  Judaism, the new year - Rosh Hashanah and Day of Atonement - Yom Kipper  provide a chance for the  people to repent past misdeeds and seek forgiveness. Taking a New Year's resolution is easy, but how steadfast you are  and successful matters much. 


Unlike the common, traditional new year's resolution, below are given new tips, different from the ones commonly we have commonly heard and seen in the books. 

01. Do not ever take too many new year's resolution and get lost in them; reduce the resolutions to the minimum and intensely focus on them. The less new year resolution you make, the more concentration you make.

02. Think every day is a new year  day and keep yourself motivated year-round. Motivation  and commitment are two  important driving forces behind the success of making you  your new resolution workable.

03. Criticism is a day to day affair, be it in the office or in the house. So, try to be yourself and do not change your persona for the sake of others. If your over-bearing personality affects others, you need to change it. 

04. Irrespective of your level of success in your profession or business or line of activity, do not ever make comparison with others who are on a higher plateau. Get rid of this common bad habit and try to have  trust in your ability. Self-realization is very important for a man living in a heterogeneous society. So meditate on your thoughts and action, before getting involved in a serious matter.

05. As it is said in the Bhagavadgita, do your duty sincerely with dedication and do not anticipate the results. So, whatever task, you have undertaken, be focused and perform to the best of your ability. 

06. Remembering your fore-fathers is a great thing. On the Ammavasai day (new Moon day), feed the animals, in particular cows in memory of them. You may also donate money to the Annadhana Trusts  for providing free food to the needy. 

07. When it comes to food habit,be  resolute about taking lots of vegetables and fruits on a regular basis. If need be change your food habit and become a vegetarian as much as you can. 

07. If you are egocentric on account of your family  status, education, success in business etc., shed it, for.  it is a bad trait  and and will show you in bad light. Instead, take a fresh step to develop humility. You will earn the good will and friendship of people around you.

08. Caring for the other humans  without expecting any return or reward is a great good act, particularly physically handicapped, Whenever, it is possible, try to donate money to the registered schools for physically handicapped and also to the orphanages.  Practice altruism, the act of selflessness is above the act of charity.

09. Stop being prejudicial whether at home or at work when dealing with people. A mind in prejudice will never see perception in others. When a misunderstanding crops up with  your co-worker or a relative, be first to break the ice.

10. Cultivate the habit of thanking people who help you out at crucial times and, by the same token, never fail to appreciate the special talents and good traits in others. Like-wise, be generous to your fault.

11. Do not poke your nose into any controversial matter  that might cause irritation to the people close to you. Do not let yourself become a scapegoat. 

12. before retiring to bed, do not forget to thank
your friend and the Almighty above for the day well spent.