Funny quotes & humor- 44

Missy Ward

"Watch out! walls have eyes to watch your movements, Doors have ears to find out what you are talking, Women have big, flapping mouth to spread rumors and surmises and cunning Politicians  have electronic bugging devices set  to take away our privacy and check on us".

Adam Zyglis
 Legal heir battle:


"Lighting is normally followed by thunder when a thunderstorm is brewing, that is nature. So is a series of litigation and court cases when a storm over legal heir  brews in the household of the rich and the famous after somebody croaks with a pocket full of dough."
Blabbering people:

Jantoo Cartoons

"To make marathon talking barbers, politicians and ever-yapping women shut their overworking mouth, remove their dentures and keep their mouth hollow. You may feel like being free from blaring loudspeakers. The hitch is when you talk to them, you'll hear the echo. That will be more horrible!!"

Getting mixed with fighting women:

"When two nasty Indian women are trading accusations and counter accusation against each other, using abusive, foul  language that may force you to plug your ears, do not ever poke your nose and get snubbed in the barrage of obscenity. It is much worse than facing a double barrel gun at a close range."
Never ending arguments:



" 'Woman' proposes, 'Man' disposes, but 'God' imposes them to be ever disagreeable  and makes them hold each other's throat throughout their lives till they settle down as dust in the grave."
